Prose Media – Blog Post #2

My mentorship experience thus far at Prose Media has been with the CEO of the start-up, Justin Belmont, and a digital marketing specialist and colleague, John Hyslop. Although there is no formality of the mentor program, the advice and feedback both of these individuals give is rewarding on my opinion. A specific example of this occurred this past week where I did not fully satisfy the assignment to help redesign their website and I had a voice call with John to talk through what I did well, what could be improved, etc. Aside from giving simple feedback on my work, I appreciated the kind and personable conversation we had because when you think of feedback on an assignment, it usually involves some measure of aggression and potential hostility. I admire the informality of both Justin and John, they are not only friendly, but they make it seem as though I am working with college students with their laid back character. Regarding advice on pursuing a career in entrepreneurship, Justin and John both advocate starting your own business, although it is a risk, there is a rush of being able to do something that you can at the end of the day call your own, which is all that matters.

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